Monday, March 10, 2008

Breaking promises already.

I made a blog last week promising daily posts- which isn't inconceivable because I'm constantly on the computer for school (I wish I weren't), and constantly seeking distraction....
then I went camping for the weekend.
In any case, I am quite sad to say that I did not take the Rebel camping. I was worried about possible crushing or temperature problems, so I took the Orbit....which broke upon shot three. So now I'm going to try rewinding the film and pulling it out for use in the nikon, I think, because I find the prospect of losing 36 shots to a toy camera quite sad.
Even more sad is that there are no mementos of the weekend.
Well, onward soldier- The above shots are from Kris Atomic's blog, which can be viewed at
I'll be uploading some things from recent project momentarily.

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